Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Project outline

For my project I'm going to look up some mini projects online and do those, I'm also going to be working on my Big daddy 3D model and working on Codecademy. Right now I'm working on the Javascript, that's about 90% done, then I plan on finishing CSS and HTML and lastly going on to Python or Ruby. How long is this going to take? I don't know, I'm just giving myself things to do until I run out of time.

Tuesday Sept. 30

Catch up post:

wasn't able to create a blog for the first week so here's a catch up post;

-Progressing in Javascript

-Progressing in Javascript

-Progressing in Javascript
-Started Big daddy 3D model in google-sketch up

-Progressing in Javascript
-Working on Big daddy model
-Experimenting with code on Codecademy labs

-Worked on Big daddy model
-Played Cookie Clicker

-Watched Mr.Mueller talk for a half hour